Following a period of strong criticism from across his party, Sir Menzies Campbell is attempting to relaunch himself. Next week he will deliver a speech attempting to set out his personal priorities and give his party something resembling a direction. There's been an official denial that this is a relaunch, but frankly what else could it be? Campbell has been subject to criticism from across the party, ranging from grandees like Shirley Williams, fellow senior Lib Dems
like Simon Hughes and supposed rising stars
like Nick Clegg.

Campbell's speech will no doubt try to put is leadership on the front foot at last, but will it do anything to silence his critics? Or will
his problems just continue? It's clear that ambitions have been stoked and it will be hard to push those away. And with the lowest personal poll ratings for any Lib Dem leader in the party's history Campbell will have to perform something really spectacular to get those plotting against him to put the knives away.

Of course Campbell isn't under fire from
every one in his party. He has some supporters.
Lembit Öpik is supporting him for one. But frankly
a hole in the head would be more help. The End is coming.
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