Saturday, April 07, 2007

Archbishop says "fight sin, not each other" - shock or not

There are times when one could be mistaken for thinking that the Second Coming has occurred, that all sin across this world has been swept aside and all the great problems facing humanity today have been rent asunder. Certainly the way some in the Anglican Communion have obsessed over particular matters in recent years leads one to wonder if they have fallen under this delusion.

So for once I am grateful to the Archbishop of York (normally I am sceptical about whether York should even have an Archbishop) for speaking out on this. (BBC News: Church 'fails' to spread message) Amongst his wise words:

The Church has not been very good at clearly spelling out what the message of Jesus is about...
It is a corporate failure of the Church, not actually doing the ministry of Jesus Christ out in the world.
All of us as members of the body of Christ need to do more.
What we should be about is telling people that God in Jesus has come in a human form, died, rose again and his presence, in terms of the spirit, actually transforms lives.
The trouble you have got is that there is a desire for self-fulfilment.
Unfortunately, as we see it in this country, it turns out to turn into self-assertiveness and very little self-examination and we end up with a culture which is very cynical, blaming somebody else, constantly endeavouring to put other people down.
Let's hope that the rest of the Church listens and starts focusing on the real matters, not finding reasons for people to not preach the Word.

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