Sunday, October 08, 2006

France calls time on smokers

Bravo France! Now there's something I don't often say! Smoking in public is to be banned there from January 2008. No longer will people have smoke forced upon them against their will. And smokers will find it easier to quit without reminders and temptation around.

This is not a freedom of choice issue as smoke does not recognise the individual's choice as to whether they wish to consume passive smoke or the smell. If individuals wish to consume smoke in private they will still be able to. But in public they will not be able to impose their smoke on others.


Paul Burgin said...

Thank God! At last a Conservative agrees with me (or is it the other way round ;) ) on a point in an issue concerning the freedom of the individual!

Sir-C4' said...

My views exactly Tim!

Anonymous said...

Would you health police even support smoking being illegal in outdoor public spaces?


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